Kano Kroil


Loosens Frozen Metal Parts! … Nothing Works Like Kroil
Kroil – An industry proven penetrating oil that has no equal. Used by 480 of the Fortune 500 companies!

Based on scientific discoveries at Kano Laboratories, Kroil creeps into millionth inch spaces, breaks bonds due to rust, corrosion, contamination, or compression and lubricates to loosen frozen metal parts.

Independent Research Report
Nothing Works Like Kroil – Solid Science

Kroil’s unique, proprietary molecular architecture creates an affinity to metal that guarantees swift penetration, while maintaining a molecular structure capable of breaking bonds at the first molecular level. This unique molecular architecture was chemically engineered in the laboratory based on research which defined the interdisciplinary physical, electrical, mechanical and chemical properties which cause frozen metal parts. This research enabled Kroil to be chemically engineered to loosen frozen metal parts in every instance regardless of the cause. For more information, please read the independent Reed Research Report.